Monday, November 10, 2014

April's Body Boot Camp: Day 1

Ok, ok.  So the phrase "boot camp" isn't really accurate at all.  But it sounds serious and like I mean it.

Jillian Michaels yelling in my ear is probably a pretty good idea, though.

I am more accurately cutting out (or at least cutting way back on) unrefined carbs and sugars and increasing my running frequency and mileage.  So kind of a diet, but nothing super strict, as I am TERRIBLE at sticking to anything super strict, whether it's a diet or a workout routine or even a cleaning schedule.


So today was Day 1 of this so-called boot camp of mine.  I had apple-cranberry oatmeal for breakfast, some blueberry-acai Greek yogurt as a mid-morning snack, a can of Progresso soup for lunch, and an apple along with three whole-grain Jason's Deli flatbread crackers with red pepper hummus as an afternoon snack.  And I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill during an episode of "Say Yes to the Dress". 

Tonight the dinner plan is tacos, so I'll have a few of the crunchy corn shells and not eat any of the white flour soft shells.  Sure, I could take it a step further and not eat any shells at all.....or I could just crunch up one or two into a taco salad instead.  But I'm already at a "win" because a bag of Frito's isn't involved, so we're just going to roll with that positive outcome.  ;)


So overall, I've been effing hungry all day long.  I'm really hungry right now and could eat ALL THE FOOD.  It's been about two and a half hours since that apple and hummus, so I am DUE for some food before dinner happens in another hour and a half or so.  And of course I want what I *can't* have.  There's apple pie in the fridge.  Can't have it.  There's a bag of Stacy's Pita Chips on top of the cabinet.  Can't have those, either.

But what I DID just notice on top of the cabinet while staring at the pita chips (and box of Ritz crackers) was my popcorn popper.  A popcorn popper for which I have popcorn!

A few minutes later:

SUCCESS!  I am now stuffing my face with freshly air-popped popcorn.  I spritzed it with a little olive oil from my Pampered Chef spritzer and then dusted it with salt.  It's nowhere comparable to the heart attack not-even-actual-butter goodness of movie theater popcorn, but it's doing it's job, which is feeding me.

Caramel popcorn ice cream.  Not something I'd normally choose for myself.  But right now, I'd eat it.

Tomorrow I have to be at the aquarium at 2:00 to get ready to bartend an event on the riverboat at 4:00.  So I'll definitely eat lunch beforehand and then plan to pack a few snacks for on-the-road.  I already know I'll be hungry by the time I get to the aquarium, so I'll need at least two or three snacks to get me by!

There are loads of healthy snack ideas under Google Images.  I should save them for future reference!

So here's to Day 1.  Less than 5 weeks until the wedding!

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