Saturday, September 28, 2013

I Feel Like I Need to Disconnect.

Social media has only been around for a few years.  I take that back......being able to communicate via chat rooms and bulletin boards and what not has been around for quite some time.  But the current popular social media sites like MySpace and Facebook haven't been around all that long.  MySpace started in 2003 and Facebook started in 2004.  There have been others (Friendster is/was one), but these two were the ones that really hit the mainstream and made it big.

Maybe I should take that back, too........MySpace isn't exactly popular anymore, is it?

Oh and of course now there's also Twitter, which took off in 2006.

There seems to be a color theme........

I joined MySpace first, back in 2005.  And I became a SLAVE to it.  I loved sharing pictures and videos, updating my status, searching for people and reconnecting with old friends, playing with my background and layout, filling out surveys, changing the song on my page and finding cool things to put on my page (that would now be referred to as "apps").  A coworker of mine down in Florida told me about Facebook, and so I created my Facebook page at some point after that.  I can't even remember when that happened - 2006 or 2007, I guess.  And at first I didn't like Facebook, because it SO WASN'T MYSPACE.  But eventually Facebook won out and my MySpace page became obsolete, sometime between 2007 and 2008.

And I do have a Twitter account that I started maybe 2 or 3 years ago, but I never really joined the craze of Twitter like the celebrities and pretty much everyone else.  Every blue moon I get on there and tweet something.....usually about how I haven't tweeted in 6 months.  But then I forget about it and don't sign on for another 6 months........

P.S.  People get MEAN via Twitter.  Sheesh.  They get that way on Facebook, too, but not like on Twitter.  Twitter is a mecca for meanness.  HERE'S WHY I THINK YOU SUCK AND HERE'S HOW I'M GOING TO PUBLICLY ACT LIKE A CHILD ABOUT IT......hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag......good grief the hashtag craze is ridiculous and insane.  Some people hashtag the crap out of everything and I want to just be like, JUST CUT IT OUT ALREADY.  Or go ahead and hashtag, but pick one.  Not 40. #your5000hashtagsmakemeinsane

If you haven't seen the Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake Hashtag Video, check it out.  It's funny.  I posted it in a blog post because YouTube (social media strikes again!!) gave me that option.

Celebrities even end up on the NEWS for their tweets and hashtags.  If that's not ridiculous, then I don't know what is.

TMZ said that, ironically, Jimmy Kimmel's spoof about Kanye was over the fact that he acts like a child.  Oh and I'm sure Kim really appreciated the third tweet from the bottom in particular.

What was life like before social media???  It wasn't that long ago that it wasn't around, and yet I already don't remember what it was like not to have it at my fingertips.

So I've been feeling the need to disconnect lately.  I don't mean turn off all my electronics and move into the woods with nothing but a roll of toilet paper and a book of matches.  I just mean I need to stop feeling the need to check Facebook throughout the day all day every day.  I need to go on a diet from social media, basically.  From Facebook directly.  I don't have a MySpace or Twitter problem.

This is a real book.  I think it would be a good read!  Maybe it's at McKay's.....

I don't want to quit Facebook for good, because I use it for much more than just checking in on what my friends are up to (and look at their adorable baby pics).  I use it to network animals, whether they're lost, found or just in dire need of a home.  I also network stories of animal abuse, to try to get people to open their eyes and not be silent and at least contact someone (the cops, a shelter, a local rescue, etc) if they think/know abuse is happening somewhere near them.  And I don't want to stop doing my part of networking in that way, because networking animals REALLY saves a lot of lives that otherwise would never make it.

But I do think I need a break from social media, or at least teach myself how to check in once and then leave it alone.  Because as much "good" as social media can provide and accomplish, there's also an overload of drama and negativity and gossip and crap associated with it that I really could do without.

Social media is here to stay, and I know that.  And like I said, its networking capabilities have done a WORLD of good in so many ways.  But it's definitely an addiction, and devices like smart phones and iPads just feed right into it.  It's like how you used to drive an hour to buy your heroin......then your heroin became available right across town.....then it moved to just right down the street......then you were able to order it right from your computer......and now you can blink your eyes and have it appear right in your hand, because there's an app for it.  How convenient!

There are things I need to do on a regular, almost daily basis that require the internet.  I need to check my email.  I need to balance my checkbook.  I need to pay bills.  I need to blog (because writing/typing is therapeutic for me).  And I also need to work from my computer when I've been assigned a project.  I HAVE to have access to technology on a regular basis.  I CAN'T QUIT YOU, LAPTOP.

And I DO make an effort to focus on my son when he is awake.....I try really hard not to be browsing Facebook when he's interacting with me, though I do catch myself doing it during times when he is entertaining himself.  And Delano and I DO get out of the house and go outside.  We go for walks and swing at the park and play in the water fountains and run errands and do all sorts of things to get out of the house.  We're even members of both the Creative Discovery Museum and the Tennessee Aquarium so that we have fun indoor options for rainy days.  In fact, we leave the house just about every day of the week, even if all we do is go hang out at my mom's house for a few hours.  And on the few days we don't leave the house, we watch cartoons and Sesame Street and we hang out and we play with ALL the toys in the living room and ALL the toys in the bedroom and we definitely read ALL the books.  Parents know that you read ALL the books ALL the time. ALL. THE. BOOKS.

I'm not trying to sound like Mom of the Year, nor am I trying to brag about being involved with my child (or make anyone feel any less about what they do with their children).  Some moms ROCK SOCKS when it comes to arts and crafts activities, as if they were born with a Pinterest chip implanted into their brains.  I have YET to do anything artsy or crafty with my child, because he's currently satisfied playing with the same toys on a daily basis and I'M typically the one who gets stir-crazy and wants to leave the house for a change of scenery and/or conversation (I'm sure that will only come with time with Delano).  Plus that would mean I'd have to become crafty.  And other moms rock their socks off earning a paycheck all day and then come home and play Mom.  I'm simply pointing out that even though Delano and I ARE active and mobile almost daily, I STILL battle the Facebook addiction.

So it's time to quit you, Facebook.  At least those periods extending for more than a few minutes a day.  And I need to leave my laptop/phone ALONE when I don't have a purpose (like balancing my checkbook or writing a blog post).  And I definitely need to stop lying in bed browsing Facebook for an hour after I've gone to bed.  It just needs to stop.  And I know that I am going to have to go through withdrawal.  It's going to be HARD to not know what everybody's up to all the time.  It's going to be difficult knowing that I'm not crossposting all the animals I could be networking.  And I'm going to have to be okay with the feeling that I might be missing something good.  Because quite honestly, I'd really rather not care.  But that's something I'm going to have to learn.

Like any addict, even though "the addiction" typically convinces me that IT is what I'd like to be doing at any given time when there are other options, there are actually things I mentally know I'd RATHER be doing during my down time when Delano's napping/sleeping.

- I'd rather be sleeping.
- I'd rather be snuggling with the hubby.
- I'd rather be paying attention to the TV show/movie.
- I'd rather be organizing the future guest bedroom to get it DONE.
- I'd rather be re-velcroing the gDiaper covers I intend to sell, SO THAT I CAN SELL THEM.
- I'd rather be reading a book.
- I'd rather be working on reading my stack of magazines, SO THAT I CAN GET RID OF THEM.
- I'd rather be spending some time outside playing with the dogs.
- I'd rather be walking/running on the treadmill.
- I'd rather be getting life ready for Baby #2.
- I'd rather be doing many other things I can't think of at the moment, I'm sure.......

So I think October 1st will be my goal date to take a step back from the social media outlet and live my life, as one friend put it a while back, "more oblivious".

I like it.  :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Woolie Woolie.....Oh No, Me Gotta Go....Aye-Yi-Yi-Yi, I Said.....



Just look at how cute they are!

I bought them off of Etsy from a shop called Lily's Dreams.  My hopes and dreams (possibly the same as Lily's dreams?) are that they solve all of Delano's nighttime leak problems.  I paid her to go ahead and lanolize them so that they'd be ready to go when they got here.  Delano's wearing one of them over his cotton Dream Eze nighttime diaper now, so we'll find out in the morning if I have a dry baby!


It was success with the woolie!!!  Yay!!  He wore the one with the duck on the butt last night.  This morning the front of the waistband was damp from where it had tucked itself into his cotton diaper, but everywhere else was bone dry.  NO LEAKS!!  I think if he had had footie pajamas on (instead of just a shirt and the diapers), the waistband may not have scrunched its way down into his nighttime diaper.  The other diaper has a thicker waistband on it, so I think it is much less likely to bunch down.  But regardless of a little damp waistband, I'm impressed so far!!  Too bad I'm not crafty, because otherwise I could totally make my own wool covers.  But I'm not, so I buy ones other people have made.  I'm thinking Delano may "need" a pair or two of "longies" for the winter.  :)

Longies made by Lily's Dreams.

Delano and I visited the Tennessee Aquarium yesterday with my friend Amanda, her daughter Lily and her friend Eric who was visiting from Florida.  Delano really enjoyed it (THANK GOODNESS FOR SNACKS OR ELSE IT MAY HAVE BEEN A WHOLE DIFFERENT BALLGAME) and also surprised me by flashing the sign for "turtle", which I hadn't even realized he had successfully picked up.  His sign isn't exactly right yet, but it's super close and I knew exactly what he was telling me!

For "turtle" you slide you hand back and forth over your thumb like a turtle head poking out of its shell.

I ended up buying an annual membership because it made sense.  I thought I'd have to invest in a family membership, but it turns out that since Delano (and future Baby #2) are under the age of 3, I only needed to buy an individual membership, which gets in me, the kids and ANY extra single guest (Lucas, my mom, a friend, a stranger) for only $85/year.  So for the next two years, we've got the hookup!

Delano's face when he saw the first fish tank.

How we spent the last portion of the day after the crackers ran out.

So a while back I talked about how I had been using cloth diapers and cloth wipes at home, but cloth diapers with disposable wipes on the go.  And I decided that since I use cloth diapers on the go, it didn't really make sense that I would use disposable wipes.  And I said that I was going to switch to cloth wipes.

Well I don't think I ever shared this info, but I switched.  Like the next day.  I went to Target and purchased a mini spray bottle from the travel-size section, mixed some wipe solution up in the bottle and stuffed a bunch of my cloth wipes into one of my medium Re-Pac Bags that I purchased with a Groupon last year.  As anticipated, when you're a cloth diapering mom, cloth wipes aren't any big deal to use on the go.  The only downside is that it takes a LOT of squirts from that mini spray bottle to get my wipe good and wet.  It's pretty much just easier to squirt the baby's butt instead of the wipe!  And I do have to admit, I still carry around disposable wipes.  They're just way more effective for cleaning food off of his hands and face since they're so much wetter.  But on the plus side, these are what I buy:

Of course, some people store their cloth wipes at home in a container full of wipe solution, so their wipes are always fully wet.  I don't need to do that at home because my spray bottle is really efficient, but if I could figure out how to successfully carry around pre-soaked wipes for on the go (in something that didn't leak or weigh 10 pounds), I could fully eliminate the disposable ones.  Hmm.......

I noticed today, while sitting in the floor facing the mirror in Delano's room, that my Old Navy maternity capri jeans have several holes in the crotch.  I wear these capris ALL THE TIME so it was inevitable that they would eventually wear out, but I was hoping they'd at least make it through this baby belly.  I went to buy another pair (I've got a $10 coupon AND I could have gotten 30% off today) but apparently capris are out of season.  So now I have to go so I can mend my crotch before bed.  Good times.  :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

6 Months Pregnant! And Other Stuff.

6 months pregnant today!  Woo hoo!

Da belly.

Let me check through my first pregnancy belly pics and see how far along I am compared to the first time.

Here's the 6-month mark the first time around.  Similar, but not quite.....
Here's 25 weeks from the first time around.  I'd say that's just about identical.

So maybe I'm just about a week off now compared to my first growth scale?  With the exception of my love handles and back fat.  And I think my boobs as well.  All of that is definitely larger this time around.  Of course this time the first time around, I was still running regularly.  I had another month of running in me, actually!  Not so much this time.  The "no running" combined with my daily afternoon snack of cake icing something sweet has taken its fat toll.  But that's okay.  I'm okay with all of that.  BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT AND I CAN.

Speaking of running.....that reminds me that I need to register for the Country Music Marathon by the end of the month to get the best price!  It goes up $10 after September 30th (then an additional $20 after December 31st).  Not that it matters if it costs me $10 more, but since I KNOW I want to run it I might as well pay the smallest amount possible.  Half marathons are NOT cheap - especially the ones that are a part of a popular national series (which this one is).

Once Baby #2 gets here and I'm hardly working at all, I'm thinking paid race entries would be AWESOME gifts!

Another half marathon I've been wanting to do for 2 years but haven't for this reason or other is the Berry College Half Marathon in Rome, GA.  I have read/heard that it is a gorgeous run on a gorgeous campus that boasts to be "the largest campus in the world".  It's too bad that it falls at the end of March......I think that would just be way too early for me to even attempt.  They do offer up a 10k as well, but that's a long way to drive for a 10k.  Ah well.  Maybe the Berry College Half will be a goal for 2015!

Pic of an Old Mill on the Berry College campus.

Or maybe I'll just be feeling super spunky come March and sign up for it anyway as a last minute idea.  I REALLY highly doubt it, but one can think big!

Another goal I have after Baby #2 gets here is to finish my tattoo sleeve.  It's been a work-in-progress for YEARS and it is PAST TIME to finish it up!!  That requires even more money than half marathons and a babysitter for many hours at a time (cough, know who you are, Mom).  I'd like to finish it before the wedding in May, but we'll just have to see if that works out. 


I'll wrap this blog up with a pic of my nugget, because he's 13 months old now and thinks he's hot stuff!

My Child Eats Crackers Constantly.

I've read lots of blogs and funny articles written by other moms about "what I swore I'd never do as a parent".  A lot of the "swore I'd never do" declarations are the same......I swore I'd never feed my child fast food.....I swore I'd never make the McDonald's playground a regular sanctuary......I swore I'd never plop my child down in front of a movie just to give myself time to do things......I swore I'd never drink wine in front of my children......I swore I'd never use bribery as a tool.....etc.  And these moms, of course, are admitting to where they've "failed" at their "swore they'd never do" list.  Here's a blog where a mom does just that (her pic is the one below).  And here's another one.  And there are HUNDREDS more out there like it.

Well, I'm already starting my "swore I'd never do but have done" list.  It's not very long right now because Delano is only 13 months old and not yet the raging toddler lunatic of his future self, but I definitely foresee the list becoming something that will continue to grow as he turns into a tiny monster.

For example, I wanted to keep Delano away from processed sweets (for the most part).  This wasn't really a "swore I'd never give my baby any sugar" kind of thing, but more of a "keep things organic and healthy" kind of thing.  Well, let me tell you, that snack box of crackers and cookies is a MUST in our household, and he eats from the box ALL DAY LONG.  And sure, the box has organic wheat and vegetable crackers in it, but it also has Nilla Wafers, graham cracker bunnies, Lorna Doone shortbread cookies and chocolate Teddy Grahams in it.  I also typically have with me a small container of Nilla Wafers sandwiched together with peanut butter (organic peanut butter, but still) and ANOTHER container of some sort of kid-friendly cereal, which has included everything from Chex to Cap'n Crunch to Kix.  Just depends on what I buy for myself to eat at the time.

Seriously.  I hear ya.

So child eats crackers and cookie-crackers constantly.  He eats them before every meal (buys me some time to get his food ready, or kills time at a restaurant), he eats them while in his stroller, he eats them while on the move and he eats them while in his car seat.

He's going to turn into a giant Nilla Wafer.  Ah well.

Me carrying Delano in the future.

So that's my first "swore I'd never do but have done" thing on my list.  I have a few more, but I'll come back to them later.  Got things to do right now!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blogging, Woolies and Walking.

There are about 10 other things I could be.....need to be......doing right now.  I need to make baby food.  I need to finish cleaning the kitchen.  I need to sweep and dust the upstairs.  I need to start on my work project report.  But instead I'm sitting here blogging because that's what I'd rather be doing.  Hey, at least there's a load of diapers in the dryer and baby clothes in the washer!

So Delano has been waking up wet in the mornings lately.  He absolutely SATURATES his overnight diaper.  He's a heavy wetter in general, and so I'm sure the bedtime bottle of soy milk doesn't help matters, but it's not time to get rid of that yet.  I've tried a couple of different covers, but the outcome is often still the same.  I asked a friend of mine (who cloth diapers her kids) what she did for overnights, and she said she used multiple inserts/layers and then a wool diaper cover.

I had forgotten all about wool diaper covers!  I've never tried a woolie, but I know about them.  They are apparently SUPER absorbent and rumored to be odorless after they dry.  You can buy them from a company or from somebody who hand makes them and sells them on Ebay or through Esty.  They can be short or long, high-waisted or low-waisted - just depends on what you want.  They're not cheapRegardless, I'm going to hit up Ebay and order Delano a woolie or two to see if that helps with his overnight wetness.  Hooray for a reason to buy new diapers!  ;)

"Wool is a wonderful diaper cover. It is naturally breathable, yet does not wick onto your baby's sheets and clothes. Wool can soak up up to 40% of its weight in liquid, but still will stay at your baby's body temperature. It is naturally flame-retardant and anti-microbial."

Uh - dorbs little woolie pants.
I met up with the girls (Amanda, Nikki and Holly) and their babies (Lily, Emmalynn and Peyton) for our monthly lunch outing today.  It was lots of fun, as it always is.  But today Delano decided he was tired of waiting on me to go check out the fish in the Koi pond (as if we hadn't gone back and forth from the table to the pond 42 times already), so he just up and walked away.  UP AND WALKED AWAY.  And was darn proud of himself, too. 

So we have officially reached the phase where Delano expects that he should be able to just get up and walk around when he's done with his meal.  So there's THAT.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Whew. What a Day.

This morning, I picked up my mom and we drove to Cleveland to check out the Ashley Lauren's Closet Children's Consignment Sale, which opened its doors to the public today at 9:00am.  The sale runs all week, with the 50% off day happening this Saturday.  I had been to this sale once before, but I think it was back when I was pregnant with Delano and it was during the week (and on a much slower day).


Yes, it was crowded, but I don't mind crowds.  And I'm a really patient person, so I don't mind a line, either (considering I had a "helper" with Delano.....I'm sure I'd probably mind a line if I was in it by myself with a screaming child!).  But seriously, this sale needs a bigger location.  There is SO MUCH STUFF crammed into this church gym that the rows between the clothing racks are barely large enough to fit two people across.  And there are SO MANY CLOTHES on the racks that it's almost impossible to search through them without having to yank them all off to see what you're looking at.  It's like a giant, overstuffed closet ( IS called Ashley Lauren's CLOSET).  I left with a handful of maternity clothes and nothing else.  There was just WAY too much going on in too small a space.  And we didn't even go into the outdoor tents!

On a good note....I sold most of my stuff in the recent Jack and Jill Consignment Sale!  Today was "pick up day", so I went to check out what was left and see if I wanted to bring anything back home.  I brought home a couple of things that I may potentially use (some plastic baby clothes hangers, an extra Boppy cover, a baby sling/carrier and two gender-neutral receiving blankets) and donated the rest.  I didn't consign a whole lot of stuff (since I've got another baby on the way), but enough to make a little cash to make up for some of what I've spent lately!

There's another consignment sale coming up here at the East Ridge Community Center this Friday and Saturday by the Chattanooga Area Moms of Multiples Club.  Friday is their regular sale day (10-7) and Saturday is their half-off day (8-1).  So I'll probably hit it up just to see what they've got.

I need some outfits to go with all the stilettos I wear.......

 Speaking of stilettos, I miss this show:

Talk about RIDICULOUS rich, pregnant ladies.

To change the subject, I think I've picked my "comeback" race!  I've decided to register for the Rock N' Roll Country Music Half Marathon in Nashville that's happening on April 26, 2014.  I had planned to do it this year......we even chose that particular weekend to visit family in Nashville under the assumption that I would run the race.....but when the time came I just didn't feel ready AT ALL and felt that it would be more of a waste of money than an attempt at some semi-successful fun.  But this time I am determined to be ready!!  Even though I currently have NO IDEA what it's going to be like to attempt to train while having two children under age 2, I will have 4 months to prepare.  I've done one Rock N' Roll series half marathon before (in New Orleans), and I've done one half marathon in Nashville already, so I think this one will be a great, familiar re-entry into the half marathon world.  I still want to add more states to my half marathon list (which currently consists of races completed in 5 states), especially those that are close enough for a weekend trip that I haven't hit yet.  There are races in these states that I've been eyeballing for the past year or two, it's just a matter of making them happen!

Another bonus to being ready to run the Nashville half marathon?  It's 2 weeks before my vow renewal on the beach in Florida, which means I would be back in shape and looking good for my nuptials!  And that would be SWEET.

So I'm definitely thinking it should happen.  I want to be a RUNNER again. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Personal Baby Products Review (Part Two)!

Last time, in Part One, I talked about some of the "big ticket" items I've used and what I've thought about them.  Now it's time to talk about some other stuff, like these 4 things.  Again, these are all just suggestions/opinions based on what I have personally used myself!

Breast Pump

A breast pump is still a "big ticket" item, of course, though not every mom will have a need for one.  Since I knew I was going to breastfeed, I knew I'd need to invest in a pump.  I own the Tommee Tippee Electric Breast Pump.  It's pretty simple to use and clean and doesn't take up much space.  And it's one of the cheaper electric pumps out there at currently $150 (new). 

I registered for mine and actually received it at one of my baby showers, which was AWESOME.  And the gift giver also purchased the $20 15-month warranty from Babies R Us, which ended up being a GREAT investment because I actually had to order a replacement this past summer when the pump motor died on me.  I don't know if it's common for the pump motor to give out (I wrote Tommee Tippee about it just to let them know in case they had had any complaints), but the warranty covered every penny of the replacement so it didn't really matter.  And I didn't have to return the old one, so I still have an extra set of "stuff" that came in the box.  And I actually could have bought another brand if I wanted.....I would have just received a refund for the replacement of the original amount paid plus tax.

The Tommee Tippee pump isn't for everybody.  It has worked great for me - I've never had any problems with pumping.  But a friend of mine (who purchased the Tommee Tippee Double Electric Breast Pump, which currently retails for $250) wasn't impressed with its suction power on her boobies.....she needed something more substantial.  So she actually ended up going back to the store and purchasing a Medela Double Electric Breast Pump, which worked much better for her.  She WANTED the one she used while in the hospital, but found out that it was over $1,000!

You can purchase used breast pumps at consignment sales and online.  Some women think it's totally weird to buy a used breast pump, but you don't have to use the suction cups or hoses that come with it if you don't want can buy brand new ones.  What you're really paying for is the pump itself. 

Note:  I'm sure my friend with the Tommee Tippee would be more than willing to sell hers to you, if you're interested! 

Something else to consider is that some insurance companies cover the cost of a pump rental from the hospital, and I believe most hospitals have the Medela brand above on hand.  So that is DEFINITELY something to dig into if you're all about having a pump to use for free!  Or maybe you have a friend that would let you borrow hers if she's not using it (I'll be using mine again here in about 4 months, so I'm out!).  But if you DO buy new, I would opt for the replacement plan if one's offered.  I don't normally buy warranty plans on things (most are a rip-off anyway), but this one ended up being worth it for me.

Since I received my pump as a baby shower gift, I had it ready to go as soon as the baby was born.  And a pump is something you definitely want to have from the start, though some people/articles will tell you NOT to pump during the first month so that your body can self-establish its supply and demand.  I read that if you both breastfeed and pump right away, your body will actually think you have twins to feed! I don't remember when I first started using my pump, but I do know that it provided relief (as well as that precious "liquid gold" to freeze!) when my boobs were full yet my baby was sleeping!

Baby Food Maker

A baby food maker is another potential "big ticket" item that not everyone will have a need for or even an interest in.  Making your own baby food is an awesome thing to do for your little one, but it does take time and effort that not every mom out there wants to deal with.  I knew that I wanted to make Delano's food myself, and I own the Beaba Babycook just for that purpose.

The Beaba Babycook retails on Amazon for $109.  I purchased mine at a consignment sale for $40.  I was only about 4 months pregnant at the time, but when I saw it sitting there on the shelf, I scooped it up and held onto it while Lucas Googled it on his phone to find out how much it normally cost.  Once we realized that $40 was an awesome deal, we went ahead and bought it even though it was WAY too early to need a baby food maker!  So for the record, you don't actually need to shop for a baby food maker until AFTER your child is born and close to eating solid foods (between 4 and 6 months old).

There are several brands of baby food makers out there, and they all essentially do the same thing - steam and puree.  And I don't think it really matters which one you choose.  I ended up with the Babycook because that's what happened to be at the consignment sale.  I LOVE my Babycook and use it weekly.  And that's what making your own food boils down to......a constant commitment (though of course you could decide to quit at any time).  I've been making baby food every week for the past 8 1/2 months, and will continue to do so until Delano is no longer eating any pureed food.  But by next Spring/Summer Baby #2 will be ready for solids and the process will start all over again!

Haha I don't know that I've ever considered my Babycook to be "swank".

You don't have to own a baby food maker to make your own baby food.  If you own a stove or a microwave and a food processor, then you've already got everything you need.  All you need to do is cook/steam your fruits/vegetables until soft, and then pop them in the processor to blend.  Depending on the food item, you may need to add water during blending in order to get it to turn into puree.  And P.S. - always heat items in a microwave in a glass bowl or container, because heating food in plastic can cause the chemicals in plastic to seep into the food.  If you get in the habit of doing it for yourself, it will become the norm.

So although a baby food maker makes things super easy and convenient, you don't HAVE to have one in order to make pureed baby food.  But a baby food maker is definitely something you can add to the baby registry or find used online (or by chance at a consignment sale) by a mom who doesn't need hers anymore!

Baby Shampoos and Lotions

Every mother needs baby shampoo.  But baby shampoo isn't really one of those things you need to think much about, since you'll probably receive several bottles of it at your baby shower.  I didn't register for anything Johnson & Johnson because I try to consciously use cruelty-free products in my home when I can, so I registered for Burt's Bees products.  I also received some California Baby products as well.

I would recommend that anybody choose an organic and/or cruelty-free brand above the others out there, but that's just a personal choice.  So why am I talking about baby shampoo then?  To let you know that it has taken me AN ENTIRE YEAR to get through an 8.5 ounce bottle of California Baby Shampoo.  And I actually still have one or two more bath times left in the bottle.  So even though YES you need baby shampoo, you seriously only need to register for a single bottle of it.  Even if you go through yours quicker than I went through mine, you'll still have a LONG time before you'll need another bottle, it's not an expensive purchase, and at that point you may even decide to try a different brand.

The same goes for lotion.  As much as I pictured myself rubbing my little precious bundle of joy down with lotion every night before bed, it just hasn't happened.  So I've used even LESS lotion than shampoo by a milestone.  I have actually given several bottles of lotion away because I know it would take me YEARS to use them.  And FYI - some babies are sensitive to scented soaps and lotions (like lavender), so you may want to go for the unscented just in case.

Diaper Rash Cream

As a cloth diapering mom, Delano doesn't get diaper rash very often.  When you use cloth diapers, not only are you placing cotton cloth up against your baby's skin instead of the paper and plastic components of a disposable diaper, but you also get in the habit of changing your child's diaper every 2-3 hours during the day.  Disposable diapers brag about how many hours of protection they offer, but at the same time that means that your baby is sitting in their acidic pee for a longer amount of time if your goal is to get the most out of your diaper.  My point is not to argue cloth vs's to say that if your child experiences a lot of diaper rash, you may need to simply change their diaper more often.  Another cause of diaper rash may be the diaper itself, so you may want to try changing brands or types.  I also mentioned sensitivities to scented soaps and lotions before, so that's something else to consider if your child has a red butt that won't seem to go away.  And once your baby is eating solid food, certain foods (especially acidic ones) may cause diaper rash.  Whatever the reason, you'll need a diaper rash cream to help ease the burn and get rid of the rash.

Diaper rash cream is something else you don't have to think much about since you'll probably get AT LEAST one tube of it at a baby shower.  And I'll bet you money right now that you receive at least one tube of Boudreaux's Butt Paste, whether you register for it or not.  Baby shower shoppers LOVE to toss a tube of Butt Paste into their gift sack (same goes with Boogie Wipes).

As a cloth diapering mom, I can't use standard diaper rash creams like Desitin and Butt Paste (though Boudreaux's does make an "all natural" butt paste I could use), because the petroleum/petrolatum in the cream leaves a waxy residue on a cotton diaper, making them less absorbent.  So I have to use cream without petroleum/petrolatum, which is often an organic brand (and of course fine by me).  P.S. These creams actually do the same thing to a disposable just don't have to be concerned with using a disposable diaper more than once!

I received the California Baby Diaper Rash Cream as a gift, as it even says "cloth diaper safe" right there on the tube.  But when I used it, I noticed Delano would SCREAM as if it burned.  He would stop crying after a minute or two when the burning would subside, but I felt AWFUL that it burned, because diaper rash cream shouldn't burn, right??  I told a friend of mine about it, who recommended that I try Earth's Best Diaper Relief Ointment, because that's what she uses.  Well, that little tube of cream has been awesome for Delano.  As far as I can tell, it doesn't burn or tingle or cause any sort of discomfort.  So Earth's Best for the win!

Note:  Another good and cheap investment for treating diaper rash is a big box of baking soda.  Don't put it directly on their skin (burn!!!), but DO add it to some bath water and let their bottom soak for a bit before you (gently) soap them up.  You may even notice that the baking soda baths do more for your baby's butt than any cream out there! 

Open air is another good treatment for diaper rash.....but who in the world is going to let their child just hang out without a diaper on?  Even if I laid Delano naked on a towel as an infant (before he could go anywhere), he IS a boy and therefore any pee would be all over the place!  I mean, he HAS peed in his own face before.

So there you have it!  My own personal review of a few more products I have used as a mother.  I'll keep adding stuff to my list to talk about for Part Three!

Daddy making Delano laugh when he wanted to fuss.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

No Thank You, Scary Movies. Being a Mom is Scary Enough!

A friend of mine came over last night to hang out, chow down on pizza and watch a movie.  This was the first time we had done a movie night, so I asked her what kind of movies she liked or if there was a particular one she was wanting to see.  Her response - she LOVES scary movies and really wants to see "The Conjuring" if it was available for rent yet.

We ended up watching "The Place Beyond the Pines" (which was not at all the movie I thought it would be, by the way).  But it was definitely not a scary movie.

Did I mention NO?

I told my friend (who is single and childless) that I used to LOVE scary movies.  They were my absolute favorite.  The scarier the better.  Because no movie ever really scared me.  Some would freak me out because of creepy-crawlies (like "Slither"), but not actually scare me.  But if they made me jump and hide one eye under a blanket - AWESOME. 

But then I became pregnant and had a child.  That literally ENDED my scary movie days.  Because every movie in my mind now makes me think of this:


But it's not just that.  It's that I have enough nightmares on my own about my child without adding MORE possibilities into the mix.  Or even just nightmares in general that have nothing to do with children.  I JUST DON'T NEED ANY MORE OF THEM IN MY LIFE.

My friend was fine with a non-scary movie, but I could tell that a good scary flick was what she had really hoped for.  See, she currently lives at her parents' house, and her mom doesn't like scary movies, either.  So I guess she doesn't watch them as often as she'd like to.  And since she's good with kids but clueless about mommyhood, she was totally surprised that having a baby could make you shy away from scary movies.  Because she loves them like I used to and can't imagine not loving them anymore!

Now I DO love me some Walking Dead.  But that's different.  I don't see it as scary at all.

Maybe one day I'll love scary movies again.  I just don't see it happening anytime soon.

Speaking of nightmares of my own, THEY ARE NEVER ENDING.  I'm not a crazy, overprotective mother (at least I don't think so) and I don't obsess over a fever or a snotty nose or tumbles or dirt or germs or any of that.  But sometimes when I get out of the car and am about to get Delano out of his seat, I have a flash vision of accidentally leaving him in the car and it instantly makes tears well up in my eyes.  I think of those parents who go on with their day, not even realizing what they've done, and I CANNOT IMAGINE how they feel when they find out that they never dropped their child off at daycare, or left them in the car in the driveway after an exhausting day.  Because it could happen to any of us when we're out of our normal routine or simply stretched too thin.  And it's TERRIFYING.

This image alone makes me cry.  Like right now.

I'm seriously wiping the tears away right now.  Because the thought of a child left in a car, just sitting there, crying and sweating and getting hotter and hotter, with no way of helping themselves or knowing what to do.......just oh my god.  OH MY GOD.  I feel the same way about animals being left in cars.

With animals, you just have to spread the word to people NOT TO DO IT and call the cops/animal control on anybody who does (or break the animal out yourself if it seems detrimental).  With kids and babies, parents just need to follow these tips that help to remind them that their child is in the back.  For me, it's such a habit to constantly check the backseat to see what Delano's doing, even if I'm alone, that I really shouldn't have to worry about accidentally leaving him behind.  But I still do, because I'm his mom and that's what moms do.

I also have flash visions here and there of those fears I've talked about before in a previous post.  I have flashes of Delano drowning.....or of someone running a red light and slamming into his side of the car.....or of him falling down the stairs.....or falling off the deck and cracking his head open.....or of me being carjacked while he's in the car and the carjacker refusing to let me get him out before he drives off with my baby.....or of him being kidnapped.....or of him being shot (thanks to the recent story of Antonio Santiago).....or of us being caught in a tornado and him being ripped from my arms.....or of him being sucked into the ocean by a riptide.....I'm telling you, these fantasies of bad things have no boundaries (though I don't actually fear a Sharknado).  Because crazy shit happens all the time.  And anytime these visions happen, my eyes instantly fill with tears (and sometimes bring on an all-out bawl).  I occasionally end up crying in the car.  I occasionally end up crying at night in bed.  I occasionally end up crying in the afternoon while Delano's napping.  It's awful and exhausting on my brain.  And what sucks is that I'm fully aware that I have a LIFETIME of years ahead of fearing for my children's well-being!

I'm sure being pregnant just adds to the ease of the tears flowing, but then I start thinking about having TWO little humans to worry about, and it doesn't make me feel all that much better.

Sharknado's coming!

Oh, the life of a mom.  I just don't know what I would do if something serious ever happened to my precious little guy, so I just have to do my best to keep him as safe as possible without turning into some crazy person!