Thursday, October 11, 2012

Television Addictions

Since I spent the last 3 years of my life working from home and the last almost 2 months being a stay-at-home mom, I've watched a lot of TV.  Not the healthiest habit in the world, and I do intend to wean myself off some of it in the near future, but at the moment the TV (and the internet) passes the time while I sit with my boob out feeding the baby.

I also DVR almost everything I watch in order to surpass all of the commercials.  Here are a few shows currently on my DVR list:

Grey's Anatomy
I've been watching this one from the beginning.  I thought the plane crash at the end of last season was very "been there done that" and reminded me a WHOLE lot of "Lost", but I do like the way they started off the show this season.  Except for Arizona.  I don't think her character would really be as cut off, mopey and selfish as she's being portrayed right now.  And I still miss George.
Because they are often standing single file in a field in a storm?
Private Practice
Another one I've been watching since the beginning.  And the fact that Charlotte is pregnant with triplets???  Didn't see that one coming!!  Way to toss in a major crazy curve ball, writers.
I heart Charlotte.
19 Kids and Counting
I don't care what anybody says - I LOVE THE DUGGARS!!!  I don't agree with their religious views, but they are some of the nicest, kindest people I have ever not met.
Bring on the Duggars!!  And the Bates family, too!
Say Yes to the Dress (NY, Atlanta, anywhere) and I Found the Gown
I love watching girls try on wedding dresses.  The end.
I want to say yes to the dress.  And wear it every day.
Four Weddings
I also like watching girls get married.  Especially when it's turned into a competition.
Apparently I missed this one.  I don't remember Her Highness at all.
Fashion Police
Joan Rivers makes me laugh my freakin' face off.
Listening to Joan trash a line-up like this is fabulous.
Teen Mom
A dirty, nasty addiction that made me want to punch both Amber and Farrah in the face.  I can't watch any of the Dr. Drew reunion shows (UGH), but I did watch the regular episodes.  I think I was also intrigued by the fact that one of the girls lives right here in Chattanooga.  But this show actually ended recently.  Now all the Dr. Drew parts are playing.  I just erase those.
Haha I forgot about Jenelle.  That girl is a MESS and a HALF.
Giuliana & Bill
I LOVE this couple!!!  And this season they bring their baby home!!!  I wonder how much money their gestational carrier made??  I need a celebrity to want me to carry their baby.
I just love them to bits.
Married to Jonas
These two are just cute and easy to like.  Though his wife is kind of monotone.
It's too bad she got shafted on the rock.....did you know he gave her a pair of glass slippers on their wedding day?  Said he wanted her to feel like a fairytale princess.....awwww.  Vomit.

By the way, the new Jonas album dropped today.  I only know this because of this show.
Breaking Amish
I love this show, because it's kind of like watching a train wreck that's about to happen.  Plus it's one of those one-hit-wonders that I didn't want to miss.  And I didn't care for Abe in the first episode, but I've really grown to like him a lot.  The other guy needs an attitude adjustment.
They fit right in.
The show might be a fake???  What!!??  No way!!!  Haha just kidding on being shocked.  But here's an interesting link I found:  Not Really Breaking Amish??

This show is DEFINITELY like watching a train wreck the moment it hits.  Because that's exactly what it is.  A show of train wrecks.
This photo was all over Google Images when I searched "Intervention".  So I went with it.
Secret Princes
Another one hit wonder that is BEYOND ridiculous, but I'm watching it.  These four rich royals have gone under cover in Atlanta to find their princesses/future wives in the time frame of A MONTH.  Dumb, I know.  I actually had a dream about Cisco a few nights ago.  I don't remember what about, but he was in it.  And the poor Indian guy is SO awkward (and not very appealing) with women but yet he REALLY wants to find a girl or else he faces an arranged marriage when he goes back home.
This poor guy is SO going home to an arranged marriage.....
Dancing with the Stars (All Stars)
I don't even care for this show all that much.  But it's something to watch when I've watched everything else.
Google makes me laugh.
Hoarders and Hoarding: Buried Alive
I used to be addicted to this show, but now they're just kind of piling up in my DVR.  I keep them around in case I run out of stuff to watch.
Can you make me a grilled cheese?  Oh...nevermind....
These are just the shows I DVR for myself to pass the time if I need it.  I also like shows like Millionaire Matchmaker and Million Dollar Listing, and shows on HGTV of people buying and/or renovating houses like Income Property.  And I'm also guilty of watching the Kardashians when they're "in season".  And I'm not even including the shows Lucas and I watch together, like Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Bones, The New Girl, The Walking Dead, etc....

I don't sit and watch hours of TV on end, though it looks like it with all those shows that I record.  Most everything I listed comes on once a week, and I've always got a backlog of shows hanging out waiting to be watched (or erased) on the DVR.  But it does seem like I have quite the problem, doesn't it?

I feel like maybe I should go take a walk or something.....


  1. My TV addiction: Storage Wars on A & E! Can't get enough of that late night. Strange, I know:-)

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