Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day 3 of Juice Cleansing

Ok, so I have to admit, I MIGHT have cheated a little on my juice cleanse last night.  I MIGHT have drank some wine and I MIGHT have eaten a handful of my kids' leftover stale veggie stix that somehow made it into my mouth before they made it into the trash.  And this was all likely due to the fact that I MIGHT have stayed up too late.

So there's that.  But at the same time, I also skipped out on two of the juice bottles.  I guess I should have drank that last pineapple/cucumber/aloe juice!

Today is Day 3.....the FINAL day of my cleanse!

This morning I woke up just like yesterday - before everyone else and wide awake.  And once again, I wasn't hungry.  I felt good.  And I've felt good all day.

I got really hungry right at 8:30, which is when I popped open Bottle #1 (the green stuff).  I drank it right out of the bottle without any issues.  It tasted like lemon juice again, and the smell didn't even bother me hardly at all.  It's like I've either formed a tolerance to it or acquired the taste for it.  But that was all that I had for breakfast.

Around 11:30, I was suddenly starving.  The kids and I were out and about with my mom, so we ended up at Amigo for lunch.  I had packed Bottle #2 (the carrot one) in a cooler to bring along, so I broke it out at lunchtime.  I did order a side of guacamole salad, which consisted of lettuce, tomatoes and guacamole, but I stuck to the salad and that's all I ate.  I didn't eat a single chip or dip into my son's queso once.  I really wanted the soft taco that neither of my kids ate, but I left it alone.  And after my mini-salad and juice, I was fine.

I broke out Bottle #3 (the second green one) at 3:30, and drank it straight from the bottle as well.  And let me tell you, I drank it in half an hour with no problems.  Day 3 and this is shiz-niz is getting EASY!

After Bottle #3, just to curb any late afternoon cravings, I ate an orange and a plum. 

Another thing I've felt the last two days, besides good, is SKINNY!  I know that I've lost a few pounds over the last few days, but I'm also not naive enough to think it will all stay off like magic once I start eating solid food again.  I know that those pounds will very easily pile back on even after just one day if I let them, which is why I'm hoping to not let them!  I think being on Weight Watchers will help that tremendously, as long as I stick to tracking what I eat. 

At dinnertime, I ate a large tomato.  Sliced it up, sprinkled on some salt and pepper, and made it my dinner.  It was delicious, not because I was starving or anything, but because sliced tomatoes are delicious.

As of 9pm, I still hadn't broken out Bottle #4, #5 or #6.  Now, we all know how this ended last night when I skipped out on the last 2 bottles......I ended up with a glass of wine and a handful of stale veggie snacks.  Granted, I still needed the added calories for the day yesterday since I eliminated two bottles' worth of pre-planned calories, but wine and stale veggie stix weren't exactly on the menu.  So tonight, if I don't drink another bottle, there is a possible chance that something non-juice-related will end up on the menu. 

My plan for in the morning is to continue the juice trend for breakfast, since I still have several bottles left.  And since I am totally planning on eating some pizza for lunch!

Mmmmmmmmmm pizza.

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