Monday, February 2, 2015

Operation Lose The Baby Weight: Days 8 - 14 (Accountability Log)

Day 8 (Monday, January 26th):

Total weight loss:  2.6 lbs

Breakfast:  Slim-Fast shake
Snack:  Black beans and Rotel
Lunch:  Slim-Fast shake
Snack 1:  Triscuit Thins and Sticky Fingers spinach dip
Snack 2:  Greek yogurt
Dinner:  Chicken Tetrazini (made with organic whole wheat pasta)
Beer/Wine:  No
Run:  2-mile treadmill run
Workout:  Day 1 of the 10 Week Workout Plan

Day 9 (Tuesday, January 27th):

Total weight loss:  2.6 lbs

Breakfast:  Slim-Fast shake
Snack:  Part of my leftover Steak Avocado Salad from El Meson (with salsa)
Lunch:  Avocado Salad (cottage cheese, avocado, cucumber and tomato)
Snack 1:  None
Snack 2:  Slim-Fast shake
Dinner:  Homemade meatballs with rice, corn and peas, followed by a gigantic navel orange
Beer/Wine:  1 small glass of port wine after dinner
*After-Dinner Snack:  Triscuits and hummus (I was up late tagging for consignment)
Run:  No
Workout:  No

Day 10 (Wednesday, January 28th):

Total weight loss:  3.0 lbs

Breakfast:  Slim-Fast shake
Snack:  Slice of homemade banana bread
Lunch:  Chick-fil-A Grilled Market Salad (reportedly 310 calories WITH the dressing I chose), lemonade
Snack 1:  None
Snack 2:  About 2/3 of a Slim-Fast shake
Dinner:  Leftover Sticky Fingers pulled pork (no sauce), baked beans and green beans
Beer/Wine:  No
Run:  2.5-mile treadmill run
Workout:  No

Day 11 (Thursday, January 29th):

Total weight loss:  3.2 lbs

Breakfast:  Slim-Fast shake
Snack:  Triscuit Thins and Sticky Fingers spinach dip
Lunch:  Slim-Fast shake
Snack 1:  Nutra-Grain Granola Bar
Snack 2:  1/2 serving of trail mix
Dinner:  Taco Bell Crunch Box (I went ALL hungry after work!!  But I did end up tossing the drink)
Beer/Wine:  Pinot Grigio (2 glasses) and a Blue Moon
Run:  No
Workout:  No

Day 12 (Friday, January 30th):

Total weight loss:  3.0 lbs

Breakfast:  None (no Slim-Fast today!  Needed a break)
Snack: Greek yogurt
Lunch: Soup and Salad from Olive Garden (1 plate of salad, 2 bowls of soup, 1/3 of a breadstick)
Snack 1:  None
Snack 2:  None
Dinner:  Leftover homemade meatballs with a little leftover rice and a little leftover corn.  Also a handful of blackberries and strawberries.
Beer/Wine:  One Vodka and Cranberry after my evening run
Run:  1.5-mile treadmill run
Workout:  No (I've been SUPER slacking on core work this week!  Next week will be better.)

Day 13 (Saturday, January 31st):

Total weight loss:  3.8 lbs

Breakfast:  Slim-Fast shake
Snack:  Sticky Fingers pulled pork (no sauce) and a handful of blackberries
Lunch:  Slim-Fast shake
Snack 1:  None
Snack 2:  Triscuit Thins and cheese, and an orange
Dinner:  Grilled pork chop with marsala sauce, boursin polenta and swiss chard at Beast and Barrel
Beer/Wine:  2 delicious stout beers with dinner (we were there over 2 hours!), 1 Blue Moon at home
Run:  1.5-mile treadmill run
Workout:  No

Day 14 (Sunday, February 1st):

Total weight loss:  3.2 lbs

Breakfast:  Slim-Fast shake blended with bananas and strawberries
Snack:  None
Lunch:  2 small slices cheese pizza (no crusts), a piece of cake and a Sprite (birthday party)
Snack 1:  None
Snack 2:  None
Dinner:  Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese and fries, no drink (I was starving and McD's was the only thing open!)
Beer/Wine:  Yes, Pinot Grigio
Run:  No 
Workout:  No

Day 15 (Monday, February 2nd):

Total weight loss:  4.0 lbs

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