Sunday, August 25, 2013

Delano's One Year Appointment

Delano's 12-month checkup happened this past Monday.  All went well, but of course him getting his shots there at the end was as HEARTBREAKING as always.  I'm not one of those mothers who cries when their baby gets shots, but I can totally see why some do.  It's really really hard to watch your child scream in pain.  And drop big whoppers of tears.  The good part about shots is, they're over in no time.

As for his stats, Delano weighs 21 lbs 10 oz, is 28 3/4 inches long, and had a growth spurt over the last three months that gave him a boost on his growth chart.  The doctor was happy with everything about him.

Speaking of doctors.....I'm trying to decide if I want to switch doctors.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with my doctor - she's one of the nicest people on the face of the planet, and I know she knows what she's doing.  But at the same time, she's EXTREMELY textbook, and that's just really not my style.  I would recommend her to anyone looking for a doctor who wants that style.  But I grew up going to a pediatrician who was way more laid back and old school.  If your child wasn't doing exactly what the textbooks said they should be doing, she was a "don't worry about it and don't let anyone else make you worried about it" kind of doctor.  She wrote me a prescription for an Epi-Pen after I had a body-swelling bee sting occurrence without sending me to an allergist first because "obviously I was allergic to bees and didn't need to go through that whole awful process to find that out".  And Ibuprofen was the cure for everything - not multiple prescription drugs or unneeded surgeries.

That doctor passed away several years ago, as she was about 112 years old when I started going to her (she was the first doctor who put my DAD on a scale after he was born), but that's what I'm looking for.  I appreciate modern medicine and all of the information that we have out there now, and I DO get Delano vaccinated and I DO follow the majority of health and safety recommendations nowadays, but I don't want a doctor who's simply a walking textbook.  When my kids get older and have real issues, I want real life answers, not answers I could pull off of WebMD.

I still haven't posted pics from Delano's family birthday parties, but that's because I haven't gotten them together yet.  I didn't take very many myself, but some of the other family members got some shots.  So hopefully I'll get them organized together soon!  I also still need to take Delano's 12 month sticker/onesie pic (since I've got the sticker for it).  Maybe I'll get that done today.  Of course I've been saying that all week.  :)

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