Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Back on Track.....At Least Until the End of This Post.

It's been over two weeks since I've blogged.  Two weeks!!  But quite honestly, I was so distraught over losing my last blog into the pits of the internet (SAVE) after working so hard on it (SAVE) that I just haven't been in the mood to sit down and write another one (SAVE).  But I'm back, and this time the internet will NOT defeat me (SAVE SAVE SAVE)!!

What's new?  Well, Delano turned 7 months old last Saturday.  SEVEN MONTHS!!  Time is just flying by.  I know I probably say that every single time he turns a month older (and will probably keep doing so), but it's just so true.  He's growing like a weed, even though he's still just a little guy!

UH-DORBS.  And I really should show off that blanket.  Our dear friend Mary made it for Delano.
Delano got shifted into his crib this past Monday (two days ago) for naps and nighttime sleeping.  I also started some basic sleep training to A) make sure he's getting enough sleep, B) make sure he's sleeping at the right times, and C) teach him how to sooth himself back to sleep when he wakes at night.  Monday and Tuesday, he did well.  He took 3 naps on Monday (though the last one was only about 10 minutes) and 3 naps on Tuesday (all between 45 min to an hour each), all of which were in his crib except for the hour-long nap he took in his stroller yesterday.  Monday night he woke up at 1am and cried until 2am, then was back asleep for the night, and Tuesday night he woke up at 9:30pm, 10:30pm and 4am, and put himself back to sleep in less than15 minutes each time.  He even had his paci in his mouth this morning, which means he found it and popped it back in during his 4am wake up!

Today started out great - I got him up at 7:30am and then had him down for his first nap at 9:00 - but he just hasn't been able to stay asleep today for whatever reason.  He has woken up from every nap within 5-10 minutes with ZERO chance of falling back asleep.  No amount of crying caused him to pass back out.  He's now asleep in my lap, which defeats the purpose of training him to nap in his crib, but the poor boy just really needed some sleep!  He'll get the chance to nap in his crib again tomorrow.  He's been doing so well with it, I'm not concerned.  I really was prepared for it to be MUCH worse.  :)

Crib nap.
Of course, the books tell me that I should have him asleep by 7:00 or 7:30 at night, but he just absolutely does not fall asleep before 8:30.  Maybe as he gets a little older we'll be able to back up his bedtime a little, but again, I'm not super concerned at the moment.  His temperament is good (he doesn't seem cranky and overtired) and he's still getting around 11 hours of sleep at night (longer if I let him sleep past 7:30)!

I had an Arbonne spa party the other day.  It was fun, but not nearly as successful as the party I attended last month.  There were WAY more people at the other girl's party!  But it was still fun.  I try to stress to people that I DO NOT expect anybody to buy anything at these parties, that I REALLY just enjoy having people come over and hang out, but I still think people feel awkward coming to a party with goods to buy and leaving without buying anything.  And I just don't know how to eliminate that feeling in my friends.  But I really wish I could.

With that being said, I'm having a Pampered Chef party next month on Sunday, April 14th.  This party is happening because I didn't know how to say "No thanks".  Donna (the consultant) called me, caught me off guard, and I said sure.  So it's happening, people.  AND THEN THIS IS THE END OF ANY CONSULTANT PARTIES FOR AWHILE.  So I want you to come.  I REALLY want you to come!!  I want you to come hang out, eat my food, drink my wine , play with some kitchen gadgets and then go home.  The end.  If you don't buy a single measuring cup, I DON'T CARE.  I'm not having this party to try to earn any free stuff.  I don't even have any idea what the hostess "incentive" is.  And I have zero interest in becoming a consultant myself.  I'm just having it to have it and give the consultant a chance to sell some stuff if there happen to be any Pampered Chef lovers there.  I'll send out a Facebook invite and give some status update reminders, but go ahead and mark your calendars for 2:00 on the 14th.  Come hang, bring the kiddos if you wish, bring the hubby if you wish, listen to Donna do her thing and then do with it whatever you choose.

Donna's been doing this a LONG time, so she may have a good spread to play with.
Sidenote:  John Cena is one SEXY man.  I don't watch WWE (I think it's silly, even though I live in the south and have even been to a WWE match at the arena several years ago when Stacy Keibler was wrestling), but I'm watching a Late Night with Jimmy Fallon rerun (we are 49 shows behind....seriously) and John Cena is one of the guests.  He and Channing Tatum favor one another.  I heart them both.  Like a lot.  If I were younger, my walls would be filled with their posters.  I should hang a few up somewhere and see what Lucas says about it. :)

Seriously.....those dimples.....

OH MY.  This one makes me think of this one:

Notice that they all just kept getting nakeder.  I don't think anybody who reads my blog will care.

And I just lost my train of thought.  So I shall end this blog on that note above.  You're welcome, ladies!!  :)

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