I've done it - I've started a blog! I figure it's about time to start logging my life happenings for my friends and family to read about, since I'm pretty much a stay-at-home mom now with a family and stuff. :) Plus, I enjoy reading my other friends' blogs, so why would anybody pass up on mine? Just kidding......but I really am going to get this blog rolling.
I had ACTUALLY planned on starting a blog in the hospital right after Delano was born. But given that the hospital had a crappy WiFi connection (or maybe none at all?), that was a no-go. So THEN my plan was to get it rolling as soon as I got home. Needless to say, Delano turned three weeks old two days ago and I am JUST NOW getting the ball rolling. Ah well.
So I figured for my first few posts I'd play a little bit of catch-up as to what life has been like since I became a mom three weeks ago. I do keep a journal of my own (via a Word document called "My Life") that I have been updating randomly over the last few years, so I decided to cut and paste my entry from last month about the birth of Double D. That will definitely start this blog off from the beginning moment as a mom! So here it is....you can skip it or enjoy it....I know it's a long one!
IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delano Durante Simington was born at 7:56pm on Thursday,
August 16, 2012. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz
and measured 20 ¾ inches long.
At my doctor’s appointment on Wednesday the 15th,
it was decided that I could check into the hospital to be induced at
midnight. It made me incredibly excited,
but also incredibly nervous. It was
really happening!!! So Lucas and I went
home, got the car packed with everything being taken to the hospital, went to
dinner at PF Chang’s, and then watched TV until it was time to leave the house.
Once we got checked into the hospital, I was hooked up to an IV and a few heart
monitors and given a pill right around 1:30am (inserted orally up against my
cervix) to attempt to get me to start dilating.
The nurse said it may or may not work, but that she wouldn’t know for 4
hours. After she left, I did my best to
sleep in the hospital bed while Lucas tried his hardest to get some sleep on
the not-so-comfy pullout chair.
At 5:30am, the nurse came back in to check the status of my
cervix. Lucky for me, I had dilated to 2
cm! She asked me if I had been feeling
any contractions (to which my answer was no), because the monitor showed that I
had been having some for a while. She
then doubled the pill dose and told me she’d be back in another 4 hours.
At 9:30am, the nurse came to check my cervix again. By this time, I was having some pretty strong
and painful contractions. Since I had
reached about 3 cm, I was allowed to have the epidural, which I gladly
accepted. So at approximately 10:00 am,
I was given an epidural. The epidural
itself wasn’t that bad…..yes, it was a little painful and yes, it was a weird
stinging sensation throughout my body when he started it up, but the worst part
was having to sit up, lean over (on top of my contracting belly) and relax my
shoulders (HAHA!). Luckily Lucas stood
in front of me as an anchor and helped keep my shoulders down. Once the epidural was flowing, it was
literally a matter of minutes before I felt relief. Then it was a cake walk after that! It was a very strange sensation for sure….I
could move my legs, and I could feel when people touched them, but I didn’t
like it when people touched them (especially rubbed them) because they had that
constant tingly “asleep” feeling to them.
After my epidural was good and set, they nurse installed the catheter
for my pee. Didn’t feel a thing. It was great.
The only real stinky part to the epidural was that I couldn’t lay flat
on my back or sit up beyond a certain angle.
The nurse would come in and flip me from side to side every 30 minutes
to an hour. And lying on my left side in
the hospital while drugged up was just as crappy as the past several months at
The next 8 hours or so were literally spent just waiting
things out. My cervix continued to
dilate on its own up until about 7 or 8 cm, when it slowed down its progress to
pretty much a halt. This is about the
time I got my first dose of pitocin. Not
too much later, I realized my epidural was wearing off (and man did it wear off
FAST). The anesthesiologist was in the
room in no time to strap on another dose, though, and then we were back in
business up until about 9 cm, when progress slowed down to a halt again,
prompting another dose of pitocin. A
little after 6:00 pm the nurse declared that I was at 10 cm and ready to push!
Dr. Emberson arrived, checked me out for size (haha), and
told the 2 nurses in the room to get me started. Apparently the doctor doesn’t hang around for
the whole pushing process….the nurses apparently call him back when the head is
coming out and not receding back in during push breaks. So we started the pushing process, and OMG it
was HARD. Since I couldn’t feel anything
but slight pressure while I pushed, it was hard to figure out if I was doing
what they wanted me to be doing (“Push down into your bottom”, “Tilt your hips
up more”, “Push into your gut not into your legs”, etc). I only knew if I did what they wanted when
they hollered out “Yes!” or “Good job!”.
It was EXHAUSTING. Absolutely
At some point in time they asked me if I wanted a mirror to
see the progress, saying it might help if I could SEE what I was doing since I
couldn’t really FEEL what I was doing. I
said sure, so they wheeled over this giant dressing mirror for the festive
occasion. As soon as I saw what THEY
were seeing, I cracked up laughing and apologized to everyone in the room for
the horrible view J. However, the
mirror DID help me to focus on where to push when I could see progress being
I pushed for approximately an hour and 20 minutes, and
Delano (“It’s a boy!!”) popped out at 7:56 pm.
They laid him on my chest for a few minutes before Daddy cut the cord
and then the nurses took him to his little bed right beside mine. They finished cleaning him up and doing all
the things nurses do while the doctor delivered my placenta and took care of
things on “my end”. It was probably
around 8:30 pm when Lucas was finally able to walk out into the waiting room
and announce our little arrival, along with his name (which made my mother cry,
since Delano was her daddy’s middle name).
My family, Lucas’s family, Amanda and Leah were all part of the waiting
room crew. Jason and Shelley came by
right around 9:00, bearing the gift of French fries (per request). J
The first night with Delano I spent by myself, since I let
Lucas go home to get some rest (I wasn’t going to make him sleep on the
pull-out chair again, though I thought about it). Delano and I stayed in our delivery room that
night, since all of the recovery rooms were full. I was concerned about breastfeeding - that
Delano wouldn’t take to it right away - but that part went significantly
well. Delano latched on
immediately. Getting up and down was
slow and tricky – I wasn’t connected to any machines anymore but the epidural
was still wearing off and my body felt like it had just gone to war. We didn’t get much sleep that first night as
we were trying to figure each other out (and Delano wouldn’t stay asleep every
time I put him in his bassinet), but we eventually got a couple of hours of
sleep in the early morning hours with me reclined in the bed and Delano asleep
on my chest.
The next day was spent with visitors from when visiting
hours started (9:00 am) up until visiting hours were over (9:00 pm). Before lunchtime I was moved over into a
smaller recovery room, though the bed was larger than the last. Loads of friends came by and our families
were there all day as well. By 9:00 when
the last visitor left, I was ready for a shower and NO visitors! Lucas stayed in the room with us that night,
though he did run home first to take care of all the animal needs.
The second night was definitely more of a challenge than the
first. It was hard to get any real sleep
when nurses were popping in to check on me and the baby (or take the baby to
the nursery for certain routine things) every hour, plus Delano was fussy and
NOT sleeping and neither Lucas nor I could figure out the ultimate reason. We fed him, changed him, walked him, rocked
him, held him…..he would drift off, but then wake up during “transport” between
us and his bassinet. So then we’d do it
all over again. We eventually asked a
nurse about giving him a pacifier, since that’s generally a no-no during at
least the first month while breastfeeding, but since he had already established
his latch I wondered if it was still such a horrible idea. The nurse said that it was up to us, that
some babies don’t have issues with nipple confusion and that sucking a pacifier
may be ultimately what soothes him. So
we decided to give it a shot, and we were glad we did. He wasn’t a super fan of the pacifier, but
after a minute realized it wasn’t so bad and he got quiet. Lucas eventually ended up asleep in the
rocking chair with Delano on his chest.
It was a long, rough, zombie-like night.
Some people said that I shouldn’t have decided to keep Delano in my
room, that I should have taken advantage of the hospital nursery while I had
the chance. But I wouldn’t have changed
it for the world. It’s not like two
extra nights of sleep would have changed my life, plus I was thankful that
those first two nights happened in the hospital when I had nurses around to
help and answer questions. I think it
made my third night at home a little bit easier.
On Saturday, we got to go home at lunchtime! We packed up and headed to the house, and
then decided to head out to Portofino’s for some lunch with Lucas’s family and
my mom. After lunch Lucas’s family hit
the road back to Nashville, and we were officially on our own! We were officially our own little family!
Dinner at P.F. Chang's before heading to the hospital!
Our moms hanging out in the room with us the next morning.
There he is! About an hour after being born.
I love this picture of my dad. :)
Aunt Nicki captured this great picture!
Daddy with his new munchkin.
Mama and Delano cuddles.