Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ruffle Butts and Zebra Print

I DESPISE ruffle pants.  I think they're absolutely hideous.  I also think they're going to be one of those oh-my-god-what-was-my-mom-thinking styles that will haunt daughters in their childhood photos when they get older.

The top?  Cute.  The bottoms?  Ugh.
The little girl is adorable.  Her pants?  Not so much.
These are kind of like knee pad ruffle pants.
Seriously??  Again, I think the top is Uh Dorbs.  But the pants are just overload.
Somebody is now taking things WAY too far.

I could go on and on with images of hideous ruffle pants.  And the thing is, I have friends who think they're ADORABLE.  Friends who constantly "share" company posts on Facebook trying to win outfits just like these.  And that's all good and fine.  Less ruffle pants for me.

Mom - if I have a daughter, you'd better not buy her any ruffle pants.  Or obscenely giant hair bows.  Your money will be wasted.  Or not.....someone at Goodwill will think they've hit the motherload.  And therefore you will make someone ELSE very happy.

And it's not that I don't like girly stuff.  I definitely do.  I actually LOVE ruffle butt bloomers.

The newest gdiaper eyelet ruffle cover.
Also cute.
Oh my goodness!!
LOVE. think Lucas would like this?  Haha

So I like ruffles, just in moderation.  And I like tutus.  And dresses.  And leggings.  And pink is one of my favorite colors.  I just can't handle it when it's overkill.  And I know that all-over Jersey-style animal print is really trendy right now.....not so much into that, either.

Absolutely not.
ADORE the shoes.
Oh yay.....I found my next party outfit!

Please don't be offended if this is how you dress your daughter.  But then again, maybe you need an intervention.  You might have a ruffle pants/giant bows/animal prints problem that needs to be addressed.

So.....onto other stuff......I'm 9 or 10 weeks pregnant now!  I say "9 or 10" because according to the calendar, I'm 10 weeks, but according to the size of the baby right now via ultrasound, I'm 9 weeks.  Hopefully my next ultrasound in two weeks will clear that up a little bit.  I just need to ask the doctor how far along THEY are considering me to be.

I still get waves of nausea here and there, and the smell of certain foods makes me want to vomit.  Steaming a lot of Delano's vegetables makes me gag.  I can't stand the smell of steaming carrots, squash, zucchini.....pretty much anything that doesn't have a sweet smell.  I have, however, gotten a bit better on my food cravings.  I've been eating a lot of fruit, yogurt, soup, cheese and crackers.  I've been eating very little of the crappy drive-thru stuff.  I could eat soup every day.  And I haven't been overdoing the carbs like I was there for a while.  I think because even though I still get nauseous occasionally, it's not as often as before.  But when I get hungry, I do typically go for the cheese and crackers.  I try to rationalize my intake of cheese and crackers in my brain by telling myself that the crackers are organic and whole grain, and the cheese is a salty cheddar from the Greenlife cheese counter and not a packaged, chemically-processed cheese.  And I do like to pair it with grapes, so that's healthy, right?  ;)

Seaside cheddar is SOOOO YUM!!
And now I want THIS!!

Here's the recipe for those grilled cheeses above.

I still haven't been craving sweets, though I do eat them occasionally.  I haven't been craving alcohol either, though when I get to thinking about a nice, frothy Guinness.....or a Murphy's Stout.....or a Left Hand Nitro....I start to want one. 


One thing that's a definite is that I get tired and worn out way more easily than when I was pre-pregnant.  It was exactly like this the last time, too.  I run out of breath going up and down the stairs or walking up the hill in the yard.  And I'm good for about a mile run, but then I'm not only winded, my legs also start to protest.  This coming from a girl who just ran a 13.1 mile race a couple of months ago.  It's just hitting me faster and harder this second time around.  Last pregnancy, I ran three half marathons in the first 8 weeks of being pregnant, followed by several 5ks and at least one 10k up until I was 7 months pregnant.  This time around, I feel like I'm about 6 months pregnant NOW.  Of course, I was in way better shape at the beginning of my last pregnancy, had loads of time that was actually "my own", could spend two straight hours of my day doing nothing but running, didn't have to answer to anybody, and was REALLY watching what I ate to stay in shape.  This time around is much different.  My eating habits never went back to "great" after I had the baby, I started off this pregnancy about 8-10 pounds heavier than the last time, I haven't been running back to back races to keep my stamina going, and my time is definitely NOT my own anymore.  But it's okay.  I'm only whining a little.  :)

I hope to one day be a bad ass again (I can hear my mother now....."give yourself a break, you have a baby and another on the way, relax, you're a mom, blah blah blah....."), but you ladies know what I mean - especially my runner friends.  It's hard to go from having all your time to yourself to spending 24 hours a day with a little human who can easily wear you out, especially if they're having a crappy day like today.  Delano was WHINY and MISERABLE.  For no apparent reason, besides being constantly hungry, constantly tired, constantly bored and constantly wanting to be held.  Alligator tears ALL DAY. 

Like that.  Minus the curls over the right ear, since D only has curls on the left side. He also lacks teeth.  :)

But now he's sound asleep and will hopefully stay that way until morning.  And even more, let's hope he wakes up happy and refreshed!

I've gotta wrap this up.  My mind is drawing a complete blank and I have no idea what else to talk about.

No matter how crappy a day, we love baths.


  1. Sorry chickadee...Major ruffle pants fan over here:-) I'm sure you're right - they will be a "what were you thinking" sort of trend...but why deny my girls their future laughter and entertainment:-) So cute!!

    1. That's quite alright....more ruffle pants for you, then! :) And Lucas says that Delano looks like Jane Fonda every time I fashion him with leggings, so he may hate those pictures later in life as well! :)
